Swimming Lesson at School
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Registration Fee

A non-refundable fee of £100.00 is payable upon registration.
The registration fee is waived for siblings while the first child is enrolled at the school.

Acceptance Deposit

Deposits are payable upon acceptance of a place.

Little Malties Day Care: £200.00
Nursery and up: £950.00

The Acceptance Deposit for Little Malties will be retained until either your daughter leaves or moves up to the School nursery where it will be credited against the School Acceptance Deposit for Nursery and upwards. A proportion of the Acceptance Deposit for Nursery and upwards will be credited to the second term’s fee invoice with the balance refunded after the final term’s invoice or donated to the Bursary Fund.


We offer a limited number of means-tested subsidised and free places for new joiners. Please click here for more information.

School Fees: Academic Year 2023/2024

Little Malties Day Care

Year-Round or Term-Time Provision Available (only closed 3 weeks per year).

Half day
Morning session: with breakfast, lunch and snacks (7.30am-1.00pm)
Afternoon session: with a hot dinner and snacks (1.00pm-6.30pm)
School day with breakfast, lunch and snacks (8.00am-4.00pm) £81.00/day
Extended day with breakfast, lunch, hot dinner and snacks (7.30am-6.30pm) £92.50/day


In this pre-Reception year we recommend girls attend a minimum of 5 mornings and 1 afternoon or 4 full days per week. Find out more.

4 full days per week £3800/term
5 mornings and 1 afternoon per week £3100/term
5 mornings and 2 afternoons per week £3512/term
5 mornings and 3 afternoons per week £3925/term
5 mornings and 4 afternoons per week £4338/term
5 mornings and 5 afternoons per week £4750/term
  • Morning sessions are from 9.00am – 1.00pm (staggered drop-off from 8.30am).
  • Afternoon sessions are until 4.00pm (staggered pick-up from 3.10pm).
  • Wrap around care available from 7.30am-6.30pm.
  • Holiday provision is available at an extra cost.


Reception (8.50am – 3.20pm) £4750/term
Year 1 (8.45am – 3.30pm) £5550/term
Year 2 (8.40am – 3.45pm) £5550/term



Year 3 (8.30am-3.50pm) £6525/term
Year 4 (8.30am-3.55pm) £6525/term
Year 5 (8.30am-4.00pm) £6800/term
Year 6 (8.30am-4.00pm) £6975/term

Breakfast Club

From 7.30am (Nursery to Year 6)

Breakfast is provided with all bookings
Regular booking £6.25/session
Occasional booking £7.25/session

Find out more about before and after school clubs

After School Club

Until 6.00pm (Reception to Year 6)
Until 6.30pm (Nursery)

Food is provided with all bookings
Regular booking £10.50/session
Occasional booking £13.50/session

Find out more about before and after school clubs

Included in Fees

The termly fees cover school from 8.15am to 4.00pm, tuition, text books, most stationery items, snacks, lunch, some extra-curricular clubs, educational day trips and school workshops.

Lunch and Snacks

All girls receive nutritionally balanced, freshly prepared morning break snack and lunch. EYFS girls also receive an afternoon snack. Find out more.


Many extra-curricular clubs are offered at no extra cost. This includes most lunchtime activities, membership to our music ensembles and many of our sports clubs. Find out more.

Day Trips, Talks and Workshops

School fees include the cost of day trips across all year groups to exciting and educational places such as The Living Rainforest, Legoland, Tiggywinkles Wildlife Hospital, St Paul’s Cathedral and College Lake Nature Reserve. All in-school workshops and performances by visiting specialists are also included. Find out more.

Extra Subjects

A range of extra subjects are available to pupils during the School week. All chargeable activities are invoiced in advance. However, music, ballet, modern dance, judo and language lessons are invoiced by the extra-subject tutor directly, but are booked through the School. Residential trips offered to Years 4, 5 and 6 are chargeable in advance.

School Fee Plan

School Fee Plan are a provider of finance for School Fees with monthly fee payment plans available. Find out more.

Child Care Vouchers

We accept Child Care Vouchers (CCVs) and Tax Free Childcare.  We do not accept payment from the Government’s 15 and 30 hour free childcare scheme.

Please contact us for more information.

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