Maltman's Green School Exterior

Virtual Open Day



Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts and Mathematics activities are threaded throughout our curriculum, developing the girls’ creative and critical thinking skills. We believe it is important to address STEAM from an early age and practical experiments are introduced from as early as reception, allowing the girls to learn through personal exploration. This may be designing a boat to float, building a simple bridge using crafting materials and using an elastic band to propel motion – all enjoyed by the girls in Pre-Prep. As girls move up the School they benefit from specialist facilities, such as a Science Lab, STEAM Lab, IT suite, Design Technology classroom, Art rooms and Maths rooms, which all help to propel their STEAM learning. Our STEAM lab is equipped with a 3D printer, laser cutter, hand tools and a variety of construction materials.

"> girls working with wood and cardboard
"> girl assembling a structure using pieces of wood
"> a row of computers with the teacher talking to the class
"> 3 girls looking at the bunsen burner
"> girls using the smart board

Early Years


Woodland School

The Woodland School at Maltman’s Green offers a specialised learning approach that sits within and compliments the wider context of outdoor education. We have a bird hide, mud kitchen, bug hotel, fire pit and plenty of trees and shrubbery to explore. In our secure Discovery Garden, girls get the opportunity to investigate aquatic life in our natural pond and take part in gardening projects. Woodland and landscaped areas are dotted throughout the grounds and all girls have access to natural areas during playtime.

"> outside view of the garden area
"> girls using wheelbarrows
"> girls walking across stepping blocks
"> outside area of forest and seated areas
"> Head teacher looking at pond with school girls

The Arts

School Phases

Our youngest girls join the Early Years aged 2 to 4 into Little Malties day care or our Nursery School. In the Early Years, every day is packed full of enjoyable and enriching activities, enabling the girls to make the most of their learning experience.

Next, girls move into the Pre-Prep comprising Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 for girls aged 4 to 7. A dedicated team of teachers and teaching assistants work to ensure our girls are happy, motivated and confident, ready for their transition into Prep School.

The Prep School phase starts in Year 3 at age 7 to 8, and ends in Year 6 at age 11. At this stage the girls become highly independent, developing the confidence, skills and knowledge that thoroughly prepares them for senior school and beyond.

4 girls holding awards


Our extensive extra-curricular programme is an outstanding feature of the School. A variety of non-chargeable clubs are available before school, during lunchtime and after school, giving plenty of opportunity to take part and try something new. There are also chargeable clubs including language and music tuition, and specialist sport coaching.

"> child swimming in the pool
"> children working with clay
"> 2 girls performing a gymnastic routine
"> children playing the piano
"> girl about to hit ball with cricket bat
Interactive Map

Prep Library

We have two libraries at Maltman’s Green – the Pre-Prep library is located in the Nursery block and has books suitable for girls in the Early Years and Pre-Prep. In the old building, our beautiful Prep library is full of fact and fiction to unlock the imaginations of our girls in Years 3-6. Here, girls also have access to a study hub with computers for quiet work. Our school librarian is on hand to offer guidance and suggestions to expand the girls’ reading. The Prep library overlooks the landscaped grounds and Woodland School beyond.

"> The prep school library
"> Library available for use by prep school students
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Gymnasium & Sports Courts

Our gymnasium is equipped with soft play apparatus for the younger girls as well as more advanced equipment for the older, Prep School girls. We also have floodlit sports courts for netball and tennis, a grass track field, playing fields for hockey and football, and grounds for cross country running.

"> Girls holding lacrosse batons
"> 2 girls holding tennis rackets
"> girls running across the pitch

"> 3 girls performing a gymnastics routine, wearing purple leotards
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Lapraik Performance Hall

The Lapraik Hall is our performance hall where girls perform to parents – everything from Nativities to End of Year Celebrations. This is also where some workshops for the girls take place, as well as the assemblies for the Prep School. Our retractable seating rig provides a tiered auditorium for 240 guests and we have a professional sound and lighting booth to give the girls’ performances a professional feel.

"> rows of purple theatre chairs
"> children performing in a scene
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Little Malties Day Care

The Little Malties Day Care is a purpose built space for our girls aged 2-3 years. The room is split into different areas to allow a variety of activities, including messy play, sand play, carpet time, play on the digital whiteboard, computers, role-play area, and a snug. There is a private courtyard and a large outdoor area with grass, playbark and gravel for a variety of play experiences. The setting opens out directly onto our Woodland School for the girls to explore the outdoors. The girls also have their own private, adjoining dining room.

"> Nursery students gathered around a table
"> children playing in the park
"> children running around in the play area
"> children in the classroom working with their teacher
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Music Suite

Our music suite includes two fully equipped classrooms for girls in Pre-Prep and Prep. Access to a variety of musical instruments allows girls to explore and enhance their musical understanding, and we have numerous music practice rooms for private instrument tuition.

"> children using xylophones
"> children gathered around a piano
"> girl playing the saxophone
"> girls in a row playing recorders
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Nursery is housed in the old stable block – a building with character and charm including original beams and feature fireplaces. There are two main rooms – one for everyday learning, carpet time and quiet time, the other for messy play and snack time. There is also a purpose built washroom, perfectly sized for little ones, and a play courtyard shared with Reception. The girls also make use of the Pre-Prep playground and the Woodland School.

"> a teacher helping 2 girls with their work
"> girls working on their school work in the classroom
"> girls listening to the teacher
"> Nursery classroom setting
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Art Suite

We benefit from a suite of Art and DT rooms including space for woodwork, pottery and textiles, giving girls the opportunity to try a variety of different mediums. Our specialist Prep School teachers conduct workshops with girls in the Early Years to inspire their creativity from an early age.

"> student working on art
"> girls using a glue gun
"> girl writing down answers
"> girls working on clay creations
"> girl using a throwing wheel
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Swimming Pool

We are fortunate to have an incredible indoor, heated, 6-lane, 25 metre swimming pool for the girls to enjoy weekly swimming lessons. We also host galas with other schools as well as the IAPS competitions. There are three viewing galleries for parents to watch galas and floor to ceiling windows facing the landscaped Prep playground.

"> Maltman's Green swimming pool
"> Swimming Pool
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Science Lab

Girls in the Prep School benefit from two science teaching rooms including a specialist science laboratory with Bunsen Burners and other equipment for science experimentation.


"> Girl using bunsen burner
"> girls working together in the science classroom
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Woodland School

We benefit from beautiful landscaped areas as well as plenty of natural woodlands. In our dedicated Woodland School girls can enjoy messy play in the mud kitchen, explore insects in the bug hotels, take part in group activities around the camp fire, try whittling or drilling in wood, make woodland dens and watch birds from our beautiful bird hide. There is also a Discovery Garden with pond for science and nature exploration, as well as plenty of flower beds for girls in gardening and outdoor clubs to enjoy planting.

"> outside view of the garden area
"> girl working with plants
"> outside area of forest and seated areas
"> girls working with wheelbarrows
"> Head teacher looking at pond with school girls
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Dining Room

Girls visit the dining room to collect their morning break snack and for lunch. The only exception to this is in Little Malties where the girls eat in their own dining area. Hot food is prepared and served by Thomas Franks, our caterers, and girls can help themselves from the salad bar. Find out more about our food.

"> One of the school's dinner ladies showing off some of the food they have on offer
"> school girl choosing her school dinner bread
"> deserts and fruit
"> a platter of food served
"> examples of food at the cafeteria
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Prep Playground

Girls in Years 3 to 6 spend their break and lunch times in the beautiful walled garden (weather permitting). There are plenty of natural areas to enjoy and the girls have access to a large climbing frame, table tennis table and swings. When it is wet, the girls use the Pre-Prep playground. The video shows the playground and the Discovery Garden, which the girls can only use if accompanied by an adult, as well as the Pre-Prep playground.


group of school girls sitting around a tree
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Pre-Prep Playground

Girls in Reception to Year 2 spend their break and lunch times in the Pre-Prep playground (weather permitting) where there is plenty of space for games, natural areas to explore, swings, climbing frames and more. Girls in Little Malties and Nursery also use this space for games activities and the Prep girls use it when their playground it too wet.

"> empty school playground
"> swings
"> wooden climbing frame
"> wooden climbing frame with slide
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Our STEAM lab is a creative space for the girls to explore their creativity across science, technology, engineering, maths and art. We have been so fortunate that the Friends of Maltman’s Green have donated incredible equipment for the girls to use including a laser cutter, 3D printer, 6 new laptops, 6 new cameras, 20 A3 cutting mats and various material for the laser cutter including acrylic and laserply.

"> Children with a cardboard cut out that reads "STEAM"
"> laser printer
"> 3D printer
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Main Entrance

Maltman's Green Logo
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What are your entry points?

Girls are welcome to join the School in any year group where there is availability. We accept registrations at any time for placement in the current and coming years. Parents considering Maltman’s Green for their daughter are encouraged to contact our Registrar for details on place availability. Email

Are you currently accepting registrations?

Yes, our online registration form can be found here.

Can we talk to the Headmistress?

Yes, we can arrange a phone call with the headmistress, Mrs Walker. Please contact the Registrar to arrange this by emailing

What is the admissions process?

Parents wishing to register their daughter, should complete the online registration form and pay the £100, non-refundable registration fee.  Once registered, and subject to availability of a place, your daughter will be invited to visit us and spend time with her peer group in class. During her visit she will be assessed so that we have an understanding of her individual abilities and development. A place will be offered in writing following the visit if it is felt that she will benefit from the opportunities at the School and that the School can cater for her needs. Parents are given two weeks in which to return the Acceptance Form, together with the Deposit. Find out more.

Do you offer help with fees?

Yes, we offer a limited number of means-tested subsidised and free places for new joiners. These are awarded according to need, up to a maximum of 100%, for girls entering the school from Reception to Year 6. Bursaries are financed by the School and the Bursary Fund, and are subject to availability. Find out more.

What facilities do you have onsite?

We are fortunate enough to have a large site packed with first-class facilities. We have an indoor swimming pool, floodlit sports courts, gymnasium, performance hall, STEAM laboratory, science laboratory, music suite, art suite, IT centre, woodland school, discovery garden, Pre-Prep and Prep playgrounds, Pre-Prep and Prep libraries, specialist day-care, specialist nursery, dining hall, sports fields and more. Find out more.

What schools do your pupils go on to join?

Our girls progress to some of the best schools in the country, both grammar and independent.  Our most recent figures show an 84% qualification rate in the 11+ Buckinghamshire Secondary Transfer Test, meaning these girls are now eligible for a place at Grammar School. Girls go on to join leading senior schools such as Cheltenham Ladies College, Beaconsfield High School, Downe House, Berkhamsted School, Wycombe Abbey, Dr Challoner’s High School and the Royal Masonic. Find out more.

Do you have a learning support programme?

Learning Support is integral to our teaching. Our Special Educational Needs Coordinator is both a teacher and an Educational Psychologist. She leads a dedicated team who provide support for pupils across the curriculum, enabling the girls to work with confidence, succeed and maximise their potential. Find out more.

What is your sports programme like?

We work with specialist teachers and coaches to provide the best possible training and experience for our girls’ curricular and extra-curricular sporting pursuits. Curricular sports rotate throughout the year so that the girls get to experience different sports each term. Girls receive a swimming lesson each week starting from Reception. Nursery girls receive swimming each week from after the February half term and the Little Malties Day Care girls swim once a week for one term. More information on our approach to physical education can be found here.

What is your extra-curricular programme like?

Our extensive extra-curricular programme is an outstanding feature of the School. We offer a varied selection of clubs and tuition to ignite and inspire our girls’ life-long passions outside of the classroom. A variety of non-chargeable clubs are available before school, during lunchtime and after school, giving plenty of opportunity to take part and try something new. There are also chargeable clubs including language and music tuition, and specialist sport coaching. Look through our extra-curricular pages here.

What pastoral care do you offer?

We create a nurturing, caring environment that supports the individual social and emotional well-being of our girls. Our ‘Maltman’s Mindsets’ are the vital foundations of learning and are carefully nurtured to empower the girls to manage how they view themselves and others, and to do so in a positive, helpful way. Find out more. Our House system and leadership opportunities help provide a sense of community and allow the girls to grow in confidence, empathy, resilience and organisation skills. Find out more.

Do you take the girls on school trips?

Yes, we have a varied selection of day trips starting for all girls that generally support the girls learning. In the Prep School girls have the opportunity to join residential trips that increase in duration as the girls progress through the school, helping to develop their independence and resilience. Find out more.

What food do you provide?

The girls are provided with nutritionally balanced food throughout the day. All girls receive a morning snack and a hot lunch. Girls in Early Years also receive an afternoon snack and, depending on the session booked, Little Malties girls also receive breakfast and a hot supper. Girls in Pre-Prep and Prep can book into our Breakfast Club or After School Club (chargeable) where a balanced breakfast or light supper is provided.

What before and after school care do you provide?

Care is provided from 8.15am until 4.00pm as part of the School fees. During term-time, wrap-around care is provided from 7.30am to 6.00pm for girls in Reception through to Year 6.  For girls in Little Malties and Nursery care is provided from 7.30am until 6.30pm on a year-round basis. Find out more.